About Me

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We are a community group for mothers, currently in the Orillia to Gravenhurst, Ontario area, we focus on food, nutrition and health for our family. We draw on expert knowledge such as naturopaths, but best of all we learn and share knowledge from fellow mothers. Even if you have never cooked before we can help you get started. We want to encourage moms to cook and learn the importance of what they put on the table. We are REALISTIC and STRIVE to make a healthy lifestyle accessible to everyone, through education. Membership is FREE so sign up to follow us today! We work together to share knowledge of everything from recipes, nutrition, to how to plan ahead. We offer something for every lifestyle, from just the basics of cooking, spaghetti and pizza, to people looking to learn something new about nutrition, organics or even raw cooking. Never cooked before, let us help you get started, we offer some basic cooking lessons from a mom, to help get you started and then this group will help keep you going for a lifetime of providing healthy and nutritious meals for your family. We offer: Workshops, share recipes, and fun get togethers.
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Friday, July 30, 2010

MOM knows

Hey doctors, not every mother is just being a "mom" and when they think something is wrong, more than a simple virus (an excuse for everything) you better listen. Just recently I had to go to the clinic once and the hospital twice until an ear infection diagnose for Mateo could me made (yes something as common as an ear infection).
Ok Mateo had a cold and cough for two weeks and I did not go to the doctor then, but when he was not as happy as he usually is, would not sleep through the night and started to have fevers, I knew it had to be more than the cold. When we went to the clinic and we were told he just had a virus, and if he wasn't doing well the next day we were to go to the hospital to get a chest x-ray. Well we went to the hospital the next day, after another horrible night, just to be told again a virus and it did not really warrant an x-ray.
The next day (or now the third day of this story, and now over 2 weeks with a cold and cough) Mateo was lethargic, unhappy and that evening broke into another fever that would not go down with tylenol (well acetaminophen) and lasted all night. With a fever and only sleeping an a hour at a time, I of course slept on the floor of his room because I needed to be close to him. Finally at 4:00 am we were off to the hospital again, and I was not leaving this time with a virus diagnoses, because I knew his cold, that he already had for 2 weeks, was not causing the fever now. Finally this third doctor said he had an ear infection, something that explained a fever. After reading up on ear infections I also realize, hey the nose, ears and throat are all connected (well I already knew that), and it is common after a cold for a child to get an ear infection because of their inability to properly drain.
All and all, I realize a doctor's job is not easy but I just want them to take a mom's word seriously because we are not just dramatic or hysterical, or maybe we should be because their children count on their protection. I do feel proud of my persistence but I hoped for relief sooner for Mateo.
So I hope some moms find relief in knowing that we are all protective and sometimes insistent when it comes to our children.

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