Well, I am finally getting around to writing about having baby number two on June 21st and man is it different this time. I remember with baby number one the first six months were a blur and you felt like a walking / milk leaking zombie but man I realize now the baby stage isn't as bad as entertaining a three year old, or as exhausting. I am lucky that baby number 2 sleeps 3-4 hours at a time at night,and no issues with breastfeeding or medical issues, so just the typical fussy periods where they want to be held. The amazing part continues to be realizing what you are capable of when you are dealing with a baby in one arm and trying to help the toddler on the potty in a public toilet.
I never expected to say sure I will play Lego with you or race cars with one kid while I have one hanging off the boob, not weird at all. I really do not know how I or any mother does it but we seem to make it all work.
My three year old loves his baby brother, a little too much and doesn't realize he can't snuggle with him just yet. Also his favourite thing to say is "Oh the baby", kiss his head and then say "I love the baby" or "the baby is so cute". He does worry if the baby is crying and tries to help me when we need to get out the door, so I am very lucky. I guess though we are all a little tired at the end of the day, with the new addition to our family and summer activities
In the next month I am working on finding where I can get a little me time again, at least one night a week to go get some kind of workout in, be it back to my yoga classes or work on a personal goal of mine to building my swimming skills / endurance so I can really feel comfortable get into kayaking. I also need the exercise, in the hope that baby number two didn't leave too many lasting effects on my body.
About Me

- Dish-licious.ca
- We are a community group for mothers, currently in the Orillia to Gravenhurst, Ontario area, we focus on food, nutrition and health for our family. We draw on expert knowledge such as naturopaths, but best of all we learn and share knowledge from fellow mothers. Even if you have never cooked before we can help you get started. We want to encourage moms to cook and learn the importance of what they put on the table. We are REALISTIC and STRIVE to make a healthy lifestyle accessible to everyone, through education. Membership is FREE so sign up to follow us today! We work together to share knowledge of everything from recipes, nutrition, to how to plan ahead. We offer something for every lifestyle, from just the basics of cooking, spaghetti and pizza, to people looking to learn something new about nutrition, organics or even raw cooking. Never cooked before, let us help you get started, we offer some basic cooking lessons from a mom, to help get you started and then this group will help keep you going for a lifetime of providing healthy and nutritious meals for your family. We offer: Workshops, share recipes, and fun get togethers.
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